
This privacy policy covers the services provided by HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL on the website ””.


Limited liability company with a capital of 182 938,00 €.
Head office : 393 LA PLACE 68910 LABAROCHE
Email :

This Privacy Policy provides details of how we process personal data in accordance with our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (No. 2016/679) (“GDPR”), the Data Protection Act 2018 and any other laws applicable to us in relation to the processing of personal data (collectively “Data Protection Laws”). In this privacy policy, “controller”, “personal data” and “process” (and its derivatives) have the meaning given to these terms in data protection laws.

Personal data generally refers to information that can be used to identify a person individually, and processing generally covers actions that can be carried out in relation to data such as collection, use, storage and disclosure. HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL will be the controller of your personal data processed within the framework of our services.
HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL and the escorts operating on (“Accompagnateur Numérique”) are joint controllers with respect to all personal data.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to explain HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL’s data processing activities, including how and why we process personal data. In addition, this privacy policy describes our duties and responsibilities regarding the protection of personal data. The way in which we handle personal data will evolve over time and we will update this policy from time to time to reflect changing practices.

Personal data we collect

We collect personal data about you when you provide it to us directly via, when third parties provide us with personal data about you or when personal data about you is automatically collected as part of your use of the website (the “Website”).
HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL does not disclose your personal data to third parties, except as indicated in this privacy policy.

In providing our services, we may collect and process the following information:

Personal data collected directly from you

We receive personal data directly from you when you provide it to us by using the site, by using the features of or by creating an account on, including but not limited to:
– Name;
– First name;
– E-mail address;
– Name of establishment;
– Commercial sign;
– Business address;
– Phone number;
– User name;
– Information on how to join

Personal data collected from third-party sources
Personal data collected automatically

Some personal data is automatically collected when you use a partner website or the platform, such as:
– IP address;
– device identifiers;
– browser information; and
cookie data (as explained in our cookie policy).

How we use personal data

We process personal data to operate, improve, understand and personalize our services, e.g. we use personal data to:
– enrich and complement the solutions presented on the platform;
– customize content according to your preferences and priorities;
– to communicate with you;
– assist you in the various phases of the program
– protect against or deter fraudulent, illegal or harmful actions;
– respond to user requests;
– provide support and assistance via;
– comply with our legal or contractual obligations;
– apply our terms and conditions; and
– resolve disputes if necessary.

Legal basis for processing

Purpose of processing – Legal basis under RGPD
For administrative purposes
Such processing is necessary for the proper execution of a contract between you and

Training, quality monitoring or evaluation of the services we provide
Such processing is necessary for the legitimate interests we pursue in monitoring and improving our services and their use, and to guarantee this to Internet users who use the website.

Website services, including for troubleshooting, data analysis and investigative purposes.
We have a legitimate interest in operating and maintaining the Website and for related purposes, including improving our services.
Statistical information that cannot be linked to individuals to help us improve the services we offer.
We have a legitimate interest in performing certain analyses to ensure that the services we provide to Restaurants are effective and function properly.

Enforcing and defending our rights
We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that our services and the website are used in accordance with our terms of use and policies.

When it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations.
When it is necessary to establish, exercise or defend a legal action, a possible legal claim, a legal proceeding or a possible legal proceeding.

Individual rights of the persons concerned

Data protection laws provide for certain rights in favor of data subjects (“data subject rights”).

The data subject’s rights include the right of a data subject to:
– receive detailed information about the processing (in accordance with the transparency obligations of data controllers) that we have provided through this privacy policy;
– access to personal data;
– rectify or delete personal data (i.e. the right to be forgotten);
– restrict treatment;
– restrict data portability
– object to processing; and
– oppose automated decision-making (including profiling).

These data subject rights may be exercised by you subject to the limitations provided by data protection laws.

If you require further information on how processes your personal data or if you wish to exercise any of your data subject rights in relation to’s processing of your personal data, you can contact directly at or via the telephone contact details shown on the website.

With regard to the processing of your personal data by HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL, you can modify your privacy settings via the portal. You can also contact us or request the exercise of any data-related rights by contacting Your request will be processed in accordance with data protection laws.

Disclosure of your information

We do not share any personally identifying information with third parties and will not disclose your personal data to any other party, except as set out in this policy. HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL may need to disclose personal data in certain scenarios, for example when you breach our terms and conditions or other policies. HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL may disclose such personal data, at our sole discretion, if we deem it necessary or appropriate in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement, piracy or other illegal activity. This may involve disclosing your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address.

HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL may hire other companies and people to perform tasks on our behalf and may need to share your information with them to provide our services to you.

In some cases, HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL may buy or sell its assets, which may involve the transfer of user information. HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL will transfer this information if we are acquired by or merged with another company. In this case, we will inform you by e-mail.

Without limiting the foregoing, in an effort to respect your privacy and HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL’s ability to keep the community safe from bad actors, we will not otherwise disclose your personal data to law enforcement, other government officials or other third parties without a court order, law. enforcement request, legal proceeding or substantially similar legal proceeding, except where we believe in good faith that disclosure of information is necessary to protect HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL’s rights or the rights of third parties, to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or to report suspected illegal activity.

Individual rights of the persons concerned

Data protection laws provide for certain rights in favor of data subjects (“data subject rights”).

Data subject rights include the right of a data subject to:

receive detailed information about the processing (in accordance with the transparency obligations of data controllers) that we have provided through this privacy policy;
access to personal data;
rectify or delete personal data (i.e. the right to be forgotten);
restrict treatment;
data portability
object to processing; and
oppose automated decision-making (including profiling).

These data subject rights may be exercised by you subject to the limitations provided by data protection laws.

If you require more information about how processes your personal data or if you wish to exercise any of your data subject rights in relation to’s processing of your personal data, you can contact directly at

Regarding the processing of your personal data by HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL, you can change your privacy settings via You can also contact us or make a request to exercise any rights relating to data by contacting:}. Your request will be processed in accordance with data protection laws.

Personal data obtained from

As part of the escort program process, a digital escort may obtain a username, e-mail address, phone number or other information from HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL. This information shall only be used for communications related to or for transactions facilitated by HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL.

When users consent to direct marketing, user consent is provided directly by HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL, acting as a processor, may assist in managing user consent preferences. Users can unsubscribe from direct marketing via the unsubscribe link included in all marketing communications. HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL also acts as a processor when it helps manage analyses of generic, non-individualized and non-personal data.

Data retention

We will retain personal data only for as long as the retention of such personal data is deemed necessary for the purposes for which such personal data is processed (as described in this Privacy Policy), unless we are required to retain your personal data for a longer period. (for example, in the event of legal proceedings or investigations).

Third-party links

Occasionally, we include links to third parties on the website. When we provide a link, it does not mean that we have any control over the linked website or its privacy policy or that we approve or endorse that website’s visitor privacy policy. You should consult the privacy policy of the linked website before sending them any personal data.

Service announcements and changes

Any changes to this privacy policy in the future will be posted on the website and, where appropriate, by e-mail notification. HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL may send you announcements relating to the service.
You cannot refuse service-related communications.

Contact us

For more information about this privacy policy or the processing of your personal data by or on behalf of HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL, please contact us at:

While you may file a complaint regarding HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL’s compliance with data protection laws with the Data Protection Commission, we ask that you contact us first to give us the opportunity to address your concerns.

Last Update: November 12, 2021.

2022 HOTEL MUNIER AU TILLEUL. All rights reserved.